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Home Artists Bessonov Dmitriy

Bessonov Dmitriy

Bessonov Dmitriy
Total rating: 11
Rating by «Painting»: 1
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    Bessonov Dmitry. Was born in 1977. In 1997 he graduated from KCU (Krasnodar art College). Kovalenko (Department of design). In 2005 he graduated from Volga, Armdi (Department of monumental-decorative art) Volgograd (teachers, Pista M. J., Pista E. K., Zotov G. F., Kovalenko T. V., Chalov M. N..) In 2001 organized and participated in the exhibition — performance "in a search of the Hunter."Participation in the "First youth exhibition" Volgograd (April 2002), in the exhibition "decorative and applied art" (June-July 2002 Volgograd). In 2002-2003, he participated in the all-Russia art exhibition "60 years of VICTORY in the battle of Stalingrad". Participation in the North Caucasus branch of the State Museum of the peoples of the East in the project Mikhail Shemyakin. "Hand in art", the painting "the Scream house" donated to the Museum of the North Caucasian branch of the State Museum of the peoples of the East. Participation in the II interregional festival of modern art "Molvest-eco city".
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