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Home Artists Poleschuk Pavel

Poleschuk Pavel

Poleschuk Pavel
Total rating: 151
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:5.0
    Originality of work plots:5.0
    Hello, my name is Pavel Poleshchuk, I create arts and crafts from metals, stone and wood with my own hands. Starting from the idea and the project, to the final assembly of the sculpture, I do everything myself. In order to achieve such a result, I had to go through the Soviet and modern school. I had the opportunity to hone chasing and processing in the best art workshops in St. Petersburg, for 20 years and to this day I have been improving my level by studying the styles and techniques of ancient Russian masters.

    The first higher education in the specialty Chemist-technologist helps me to use modern materials for patina and preservative coatings so that the work is interesting and durable.

    But the main thing that influenced creativity itself was the acquisition of the specialty of a psychologist, gestalt therapist and art therapist.
    A creative and talented person can often be unhappy with this gift, experience loneliness and underestimation, suffer from self-criticism and suffer from the depreciation of envious people and competitors. And in order to cope with your feelings and realize your potential, sometimes you need not only work, but also support. I, too, have repeatedly faced internal crises, which helped me to cope with the training of psychotherapy. I not only recovered and continued my artistic activity, but also developed a new, art-therapeutic method of self-support - ArtNeuroPlastika.

    This is a method that helps you draw on your own resources and create works of art with deep meaning.
    Like every self-respecting scientist :), at the beginning, of course, I conducted these experiments on myself, and the works presented here are the fruits, or rather the material embodiment of the solution of complex psychological problems that have tormented my soul for many years. Each sculpture is the response of the unconscious to a question that is difficult even to formulate, but it already needs attention and requires a solution.

    Now, ArtNeuroPlastika has successfully proved itself in rehabilitation for the treatment of drug addicts, and also showed its wide possibilities in a ceramic workshop, where anyone can bring their creative ideas to life.

    In the future, I strive to create a school that will help people recover from illnesses, support the aspirations of talented but self-doubting novice artists and craftsmen, give families and couples the opportunity to spend their free time with benefit and pleasure, meet and make new friends for a pleasant job.

    By purchasing my work you will help the development of a good cause. Thank you for attention!

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