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Home Artists Korchajkina Kristina

Korchajkina Kristina

Korchajkina Kristina
Total rating: 162
Rating by «Painting»: 18
Rating by «Graphics»: 3
Rating by «Decor»: 1
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    With great pleasure and share the good "magic" write their works. Mostly oil paintings, are also engaged in the painting of stucco, decorative painting of interiors, furniture, create relief panels, including can come up with and implement a series of paintings (for example, a cafe or restaurant).

    Perform custom oil painting from your plot, work in different styles, with consideration of all wishes.

    from 5 June to 5 December 2018 part in the exhibition of paintings in MultyRoom studio, Moscow.

    from 15 April to 31 may 2018 held a personal painting exhibition "soul Movement" in the Palace of Culture "Istok", Fryazino, Moscow region

    2018 organizational work in the project art Studio DenkArt, assistance in holding a personal exhibition "the Radiance of tenderness" of the artist Anna Nefedova in DC "Istok", Fryazino, Moscow region

    2018 participation and organization in the national exhibition "art - first love" featuring artists of the art Studio "TATA" and the Elite". Ckid "MU "Torch", Fryazino, Moscow region

    2017-2018 g. training the teacher Tatiana Dmitrieva, member of the Union of artists of Moscow region, Shchelkovo, Moscow region.

    2017 the participation and organization of exhibitions "feel the life" in DC "Istok", Fryazino.

    2017 was trained in the fine arts Studio Valeria Petrova, member of the Union of artists of Moscow region, Fryazino.

    All student and adult life has always been on a creative wave: participated in the design of scientific articles, Newspapers, student art projects. Also gained extensive knowledge in the field of human anatomy (medical education).

    2005 graduated from the Samara Pedagogical University on the faculty "Psychology".

    2001 Buguruslan Medical School, Department of "Paramedic" (extensive experience in the field of health).

    He studied at the art circle at the school, results of operations:

    1994 one of the works took part in the International contest in Japan, Okinawa.

    1992 participation in the citywide exhibitions of children's drawings among art schools in the city of Khabarovsk (some works).

    Types of art: Decorating, Design, Painting, paintings, Photography, Graphics
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