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Home Artists Ostrovskaya Elena

Ostrovskaya Elena

Ostrovskaya Elena
Total rating: 253
Rating by «Painting»: 92
Rating by «Graphics»: 1
Community ratings by author
Uniqueness of style:5.0
Originality of work plots:5.0
Elena Ostrovskaya – the representative of the Samara school of painting.
Was born in Samara on 11 February 1979.
In 1994 he finished Children's art school №2. In 2002 he graduated from the Samara state pedagogical University, specialty "Fine arts".
Since 2013 member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia.
Since 2015 member of the Union of designers of Russia.
Features of author's style:
Creative manner gravitates to the leading traditions of Russian school of painting. Prefers full-scale plein air work. Has a distinctive, beautiful handwriting, but the main quality is the freshness of perception of the motive, the picturesque freedom and fluency with brush and spatula.
Since 2000 she is active in exhibitions. The participant of personal, regional, national and international exhibitions. Works are in private collections in Russia, Spain, France, USA.

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