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Home Artists Huako Inver

Huako Inver

Huako Inver
Total rating: 113
Rating by «Painting»: 55
Rating by «Graphics»: 3
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:5.0
    Originality of work plots:5.0
    Born November 17, 1986. Art education do not have the artist is self-taught, been drawing since my childhood.
    To date, exhibitions unfortunately only participated a couple of times, I regret not have paid this much attention in their youth. There is only one letter received on 25 may 2001 for participation in the district fine arts exhibition "My house - my home". At the moment more active and a lot of writing pictures of different techniques and evolve in different directions, expect more in the future to participate in exhibitions and to exhibit. I also want to organize and hold his first solo exhibition.
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