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Home Artists Abaimov Vladimir

Abaimov Vladimir

Abaimov Vladimir
Total rating: 292
Rating by «Painting»: 132
Rating by «Graphics»: 40
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:4.2
    Originality of work plots:4.0
    It is pointless to approach the artist with questions: what do you want to say your picture that is depicted on it? Researchers, critics, spectators have to ask these questions ourselves. I was convinced, having become acquainted with the artist Vladimir Abaimova.
    It so happened that before to see the painting, I was able to know the opinion of viewers about them from the book reviews of his exhibitions. Reading this curious document, it was impossible to determine how to treat the artist: some were jealous of his talent and admitted that he is clear and understandable to them, others advised to change occupation and knew nothing about his paintings. Moreover, some assurance of the astrologers had predicted the artist's well-being and prosperity, others with no less certainty, predicted the demise of creativity.
    The work of art speaks directly to our soul, feelings, and dissecting the picture, like a butterfly, we are simply deprived of its original meaning. And spectators continue to try to find out: why, what, or say no, it does not happen. But unless each of us does not know the difference between thing and idea it caused, between a visible, concrete and associations, fantasies, elusive and mysterious transformations of feelings in our soul? The artist, who can Express, to show it. The artist like the medium that translates the sounds, words, feelings in colors and lines. The variety of topics and technology Vladimir abaimova one seems to be a flirtation between the artist and the viewer, the other - of his inability to find himself, "my subject".
    The artist explains that the choice of style, shape, technique is dictated by the specific purpose, content plan. If he was attracted to Matt elasticity Siberian apples, he takes these apples as they are, and here the viewer looks "still life with wine" almost with appetite and enjoy their freshness.
    These paintings are realistic, understandable and liked by the audience. However, others are left in bewilderment: "what can broken of to say about the broken parts?". "Pink Floyd" okay, but why above the city? - ask about the picture "You would go there (Pink Floyd over the city)". Knowing the music of this group, it seems to me that it is rare in our time, the feature is that the classics - the ability to soar, to be above, to be heavenly, to be carried away into the sky.
    The artist told me that at the time, these paintings did not pass to the exhibition: "clear" picture was delayed in one direction, "incomprehensible" in another.
    Man, stretching into the gloom from the crucified Christ. Back to Christ, with his head lowered in thought (the painting "Loneliness"). That is the seeking or finding an answer in itself? It can be. And answers, thoughts, lots to think agitated audience.
    - Have you noticed - I asked Vladimir, as from show to show changing audience? One record of such an audience, sounding almost poetically, for some reason I remembered: "What is it to us - you suffered or not? We know your excitement?". I wonder where he saw the artist, not worrying and not suffering? Any true artist because of his originality is to be alone, and let incomplete, but the lack of understanding. And tragedy or happiness of the artist in his inability to withdraw, to turn away from the outside world. The presence of inner freedom, as a prerequisite of creativity entitles the artist to work without a backward glance, but the painting is finished and there comes a time when you need to show to make out.
    On the way to the viewer Vladimir Abaimov went through many doubts, difficulties, objective and subjective. The exhibitions he organizes himself, hanging the paintings in the manner he himself conceived. This order, incidentally, is not conducive to ease of perception, but the artist deliberately mixes genres and styles: after all, life is not laid out on shelves. Sorry, I haven't seen all the paintings abaimova - part bought and taken away by foreigners, some in private collections and galleries of the city.
    Olga Babanova.
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