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Home Artists Gagarina Elena

Gagarina Elena

Gagarina Elena
Total rating: 27
Rating by «Painting»: 17
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:5.0
    Originality of work plots:5.0
    He graduated from mhpu them. Kalinina on a speciality the artist-miniaturist, has been studying the history of art of various epochs and countries, discovered the brevity and expressiveness of the graphs of the East, air the transparency of watercolor, the magical semantic transformation of collage and many other types of painting.

    Her paintings attract ease, accuracy of content, energy and color saturation. In the paintings manifest the second and third plans, the ones that usually are hidden from a passing glance.
    For real, earthly stories Elena Gagarina opens new horizons, for ordinary things - fantastic views.

    Since 1988, her works regularly participate in various exhibitions and vernissages.
    Since 2000 member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.
    The finished works are present in galleries, private collections in Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece.
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