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Home Artists Korzuhin Pavel

Korzuhin Pavel

Korzuhin Pavel
Total rating: 736
Rating by «Painting»: 23
Rating by «Graphics»: 18
Rating by «Icons»: 4
Rating by «Digital painting»: 1
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:4.4
    Originality of work plots:4.7
    Upscale master muralist, painter, graphic artist, painter and sculptor. The experience continuous professional activities accumulated from spring 1995 to present day and includes the following features: decorating all types of facilities with the features of space. Among them may be, like a private apartment as a whole, and halls, living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, pools and garages in particular. This is also the case with public establishments, the list of which includes: night dance, and all kinds of specialized clubs, restaurants, cafes, business centers, offices, shopping centers, educational institutions, concert halls, nurseries and religious facilities for religious purposes, regardless of their religious affiliation. Also have experience in the design and creation of decorative elements of an interior: fixtures, design objects, relief panels, posters and paintings. Guided in building materials and their properties, constantly inquiring about the appearance of all sorts of useful innovations, keeping abreast of technological progress. Was educated at Leningrad State University, Historical faculty, Department of History of Art. Born and raised in a family of artists, preserving the continuity with the middle of the XIX-th century from famous Russian genre painter-itinerant, the academician of painting, Alexei Ivanovich Korzukhin, whose numerous works are scattered in museums of Russia, and the main of them are exhibited in the Tretyakov gallery and the Russian Museum. Practical skills are consolidated in private lessons and in private art school. Iconography studied in the icon painting workshop in the courtyard St. John the theologian Cheremenetskogo monastery. Freely guided in the fine art history, in artistic styles and eras. Punctuality, responsibility and resourcefulness is constantly accompanied by my work. Always be unusual and original solution to the interior if the need arises. Have an innate sense of harmony, which in each case guarantees exceptional beauty, and with it originality. On the preservation of monumental, easel or landscape works are given a lifetime warranty. Individual approach to each order, including pricing.
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