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Home Artists Teltevskaya Aleksandra

Teltevskaya Aleksandra

Teltevskaya Aleksandra
Total rating: 14
Rating by «Painting»: 1
Rating by «Airbrush»: 3
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    I from Ekaterinburg. My name is Alexandra and I am currently in art painting of walls and paint pictures.
    My story of how I came to the conclusion what I do now) it All started with a school in the second grade..) I went in a circle Linocut and I loved it, then the teacher of this group sent me to art school. I loved to draw, so I decided that I will continue to do what you love. Chose Art vocational school №42, it was the most fun time) that my training has not ended and I went to the Ural Mining and Geology University, graduated with honors, majoring in designing jewelry . At Institute the dream was born to draw something on the wall at home , but all the time that I stopped..
    And one day my dream came true! I was asked to decorate the wall in the group of kindergarten) I Have turned out great, everyone liked it and gave me the whole garden under the painting!

    Don't be afraid to start something new! Thank you all who read to the end) I love my job, love to draw, love to please others!
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