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Home Artists Gaydukov Aleksandr

Gaydukov Aleksandr

Gaydukov Aleksandr
Total rating: 168
Rating by «Painting»: 9
Rating by «Graphics»: 1
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    Graduated from the architectural faculty of NISI (NGAS) in Novosibirsk (Russia), where , in addition to architectural subjects, he studied painting, graphics, sculpture , decorative arts, etc. His artistic works include the genres of portraiture, landscape, still life, animalism, made of different materials (pastel, acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, pencil) in the direction of romantic realism. In Israel he worked as a sculptor, executing portraits, life-size sculptures of people and animals, decorative laminate of different materials, including wood, fiberglass and metal. His works are in private collections in Russia and Israel, were presented at exhibitions in Russia and Israel.
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